When it comes to conversions it is very important that you pay very close attention to them because, it tells you how successful and how good your landing pages are working. If your landing pages are not converting well, it means you’re doing something wrong and that will cost you time and money. So your goal should be to have the worlds’ highest landing page converting rates so you can obtain as many leads as possible. Although this isn’t always the easiest task, there are ways to greatly improve your odds of having a high converting landing page.
First off you’re going to want to make the URL very friendly and not have a whole bunch of nonsense going on in it. URL’s should tell people where they are and it should make them feel comfortable to be where they are. Make it as relevant as possible to the content on the page itself and you should be ok.
Next you’re going to want a clear purpose of your landing page whether it’s to get people to come to you website, get their email, have them watch a video or whatever it is. Then you’re going to make it as clear as possible to the person as to what they’ll receive in return for their cooperation. Keep it simple and right to the point.
Sound as enthusiastic and positive as possible. You really want the visitor to believe what you tell them is true and make yourself sound like a credible source at the same time.
4It helps if you add appropriate and relevant pictures to help give them a visual descprition of what’s going on. Usually if there is a picture on the landing page, that’s the first thing that’s going to catch their eye so don’t make it something random.
Visual information outweighs text so if you have picture or brief video of yourself and what you intend to supply the visitor with, it adds trust and recognition to your landing page. This will help increase odds of landing a lead.
Having a landing page creator that allows you to split test landing pages can be extremely beneficial for you. Being given this feature gives you the opportuinity to see what works and what doesn’t. That “what” can be pictures, videos, words, colors, fonts, format, template or whatever else you want to compare to see what is going to give you that high conversion and what isn’t. Use this to its maximum potential and you’ll see some amazing conversion rates in the near future.
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